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Home/School Agreement


Parents are a child's first and continuing teachers. You play a key role in assisting our pupils - your children - to learn. They will achieve more when we - the school and yourselves - work together. We feel that it would make it easier to succeed if we agreed on what we accept from each other. This home/school agreement provides a frame work for developing this partnership.

Our Mission to the Pupil

The aim of the school is to offer you a comprehensive education through the medium of Welsh and ensure that you achieve the highest possible standards according to your ability and talent. We will do this in an environment which offers you support and respect you as an individual.


Our Mission to the Parent

Whilst working to ensure that we carry out our mission to the pupils we agree to involve you as a partner in our efforts and to communicate clearly and honestly as required.

By cooperating and trusting in each other we aim to ensure that each pupil reaches the summit of their ability and talents. We shall do so by offering opportunity, support and guidance within a positive, safe and civilised society.


Our Vision for Our Pupils

We seek pupils who are fluent in Welsh and English and who are proud of the traditions and inheritance of their locality and their country. We seek balanced and responsible citizens who respect the rights of other individuals and who are comfortable with themselves. They will have a respect for their minds, their souls and their bodies and they will have wide horizons and a curiosity for new information. They  will have the necessary skills to take advantage of the challenge of the future work place and society and they will wish to continue to grow as lifelong learners and world citizens.