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Delve into numeracy, statistics, algebra and shapes in the Maths department as they teach these essential skills. Puzzles, games and online quizzes are popular tools to help guide the pupils learning and help them specify their area of improvement.

Miss Alaw Ifans 

Mr Rhys Evans 

Mr Rhodri Hamner

Mr Owain Rowlands 

Mr Rhys Davies  

Mr Gareth Lewis  

Mr Huw Williams

Mr Ithel Davies

To contact a member of staff please email

Twitter: @Rhifedd_Y_Fro
Extra Activities
  • Menter Maths
  • Maths 'Mates'
  • Maths Challenge
  • Bangor Univeristy Mathematics Competitions

“I found it to be incredibly invigorating and interesting, taking concepts I’ve learned and was learning in the Maths A-Level and using them in different ways. It was difficult to understand certain questions, especially those in the statistics module, but with the support of the department, I succeeded!” 

A Level Pupil

KS3 (Year 7-9)







Numeracy, measures and shapes



Continuation of previous work including data






Numeracy, measures and shapes



Data and Algebra



Algebra, data and measures



Algebra and measures



Data and numeracy



Measures, numeracy and algebra 


KS4 (Year 10-11)

General objectives

From September 2015 all pupils in Wales will be required to sit two GCSE examinations in the subject. (GCSE Mathematics and GCSE Mathematics – Numeracy) GCSE Mathematics will build on and progress from the levels of mathematics expected at the end of KS3 through the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Mathematics.

Whilst GCSE in Mathematics – Numeracy will assess the mathematics that learners will need in their everyday lives, in the world of work, and in other general curriculum areas, GCSE Mathematics will extend to aspects of mathematics needed for progression to scientific, technical or further mathematical study.

GCSE Mathematics – Numeracy will build on and progress from the levels of numeracy expected at the end of Key Stage 3 through the Literacy and Numeracy Framework and will assess the mathematics that learners will need in their everyday lives, in the world of work, and in other general curriculum areas.


The table below shows how the mathematical content is distributed within these two GCSEs.



Mathematics - Numeracy



Number, Measure and Statistics plus some aspects of Algebra, Geometry and Probability.

All the content of GCSE Mathematics Numeracy

Additional Algebra, Geometry and Probability.

Assessment focus

The application of the above content in context


The application of the above content in context

Procedural skills in situations that are context free or involve minimal context for all content.


Course Details

Each pupil will follow a course which best reflects his level of ability.

In line with the requirements of the National Curriculum, each course consists of four assessment objectives (A.O), namely:


Assessment Objectives


Mathematics - Numeracy



Recall and use their knowledge of prescribed content.




Select and apply mathematical methods




3 Interpret and analyse problems and generate strategies to solve them.




Information Technology and Communication will be an integral part of the course, both in its explication and execution. This is especially so with regard to statistical investigations. Each pupil will either follow the G.C.S.E course which best reflects his ability, or, in the case of those working at a more rudimentary level, the Entry Level Mathematics course.



All G.C.S.E courses are comprised of the following assessment elements:

Two written papers. There is no coursework

3 tier of entry (higher, intermediate and foundation)






























Examination for GCSE Mathematics and GCSE Mathematics – Numeracy.

Pupils will be required to sit two papers for each GCSE. The duration of each paper is as follows:

Unit 1: Non calculator.

Unit 2: Calculator allowed.


Written Examination.

Higher: 1 hour 45 min (80 mark)

Intermediate1 hour 45 min (80 mark)

Foundation 1 hour 30 min (65 mark)

50% of qualification.


Entry Level Mathematics

The Entry Level Mathematics course is appropriate for those pupils who have failed to reach level 3 or 4 of the National Curriculum at the end of Key Stage 3. The course is well structured and provides opportunities to learn mathematics in a relevant and engaging context. The course assessment is comprised of a number of elements over a two-year period. This is summarised below:


Assessment Component


Intermediate tests

48 % - 3 tests of 16%

Aural tests

5% - 3 tests of 1.66%

Practical exercises

6% (3 x 2%)

Investigative tasks


External examination

21 %


KS5 (Year 12-13)

Subject Leader: Miss Alaw Ifans
Examination Board: CBAC | WJEC
Examinations: 100%
Coursework: 0%

Entry Requirements:

To study A level Mathematics you are expected to have obtained at least a B grade at GCSE higher tier.

What is Mathematics?

Mathematics is, inherently, a sequential subject. There is a progression of material through all levels at which the subject is studied. The specification content therefore builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding set out in the whole GCSE subject content for Mathematics and Mathematics-Numeracy.

What will I learn whilst studying Mathematics?

During this course you will learn to extend your knowledge of algebra and geometry from GCSE and explore the ways in which mathematics can be applied in the real world. Areas which you will cover include:

• New topics such as coordinate geometry, series, differentiation and integration, all of which are highly algebraic and are an excellent introduction to maths at a higher level.

• Branching further into core maths with topics such as logarithms and exponentials, radian measures and higher level trigonometry.

• More complex pure maths including trigonometric proofs, further differentiation and integration as well as numerical methods for finding solutions.

• Further and more complex work on coordinate geometry as well as vectors in 3D.

Lots of the maths studied in earlier core modules is linked together here.

Mechanics and Statistics: this applied paper introduces students to mathematical modelling of everyday experiences, like driving a car, throwing a ball up in the air, walking across a bridge and playing snooker.

Using statistics, you will also get to: Interpret measures of central tendency and variation, extending to standard deviation, understand and use simple, discrete probability distributions.

Course Content:

AS Unit 1: Pure Mathematics A (25% of qualification)

AS Unit 2: Applied Mathematics A (15% of qualification)

The paper will comprise two sections:

Section A: Statistics

Section B: Mechanics

A2 Unit 3: Pure Mathematics B (35% of qualification)

A2 Unit 4: Applied Mathematics B (25% of qualification)

The paper will comprise two sections:

Section A: Statistics

Section B: Differential Equations and Mechanics

Possible Careers: There are plenty of openings for mathematicians including accountancy and actuarial work, becoming a statistician, a teacher or a high profile career in the world of banking.  

Link to the website of the course: